Savings options at NSB

Safe & secure ... it's never too late to start. 

North Shore Bank savings and retirement products can meet all your financial needs. When it comes to satisfying your retirement or savings needs you don’t need to visit giant national firms or impersonal regional banks. That’s because North Shore Bank has all the savings and retirement planning products you need to help you reach your personal finance goals. From our statement savings accounts to money market accounts, CDs and IRAs, we can help you save for the short term, long term or any term in between.
Savings Accounts
Money Market Deposit Accounts
Certificates of Deposit & IRAs

It’s never too late, or too early for that matter, to start saving or to begin retirement planning.  So stop by any branch location today or call Customer Support at (978) 573-1300 (during regular operating hours) — we’ll help you get you on the right track.

All Deposits are Insured in Full

At North Shore Bank, every deposit is insured in full. FDIC insures each depositor up to $250,000. All deposits above the FDIC limit are insured in full by the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF).