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NSB Donates to Beverly’s Summer Literacy Learning Program

Peabody, Massachusetts — June 28, 2024
North Shore Bank is pleased to announce a $5,000 donation to Building a Better Beverly’s 2024 Summer Literacy Learning Program. This contribution underscores the bank’s commitment to fostering education and literacy within the community.

The Building a Better Beverly Summer Literacy Learning Program is a vital initiative that encourages children to engage in reading during the summer months. The program aims to  cultivate literacy skills in a fun day camp environment for the children in the community who are the most disadvantaged.

North Shore Bank is dedicated to supporting educational programs that benefit our community’s youth,” said CEO Kevin Tierney. “We are proud to support the city’s Summer Literacy Learning Program, which plays a crucial role in promoting literacy and lifelong learning among children.

The $5,000 donation will be used to provide students with enrichment activities such as arts and crafts, music, character development, swimming, and STEAM activities. In 2024, the literacy program will be offered to up to 180 first, second, and third grade elementary students who are reading below grade level. Typically, over 50% of program participants are categorized as low income and qualify for the free Federal Breakfast and Lunch program. The Bank’s support will enable the program to reach more children and provide them with the resources they need to succeed.

Thank you to North Shore Bank for supporting the Summer Literacy Program each year,” said Beverly Mayor Michael Cahill. “We really appreciate the donation to support this critical program that helps over 100 of our youngest students learn to read each summer.  North Shore Bank truly makes a difference in our community.

North Shore Bank’s contribution to the Building a Better Beverly’s Summer Literacy Learning Program is part of its broader commitment to community engagement and support for local initiatives. The bank continually seeks opportunities to invest in programs that make a positive difference in the communities it serves.


L to R: Beverly Mayor Michael Cahill, NSB Manager Peter Chetkin, and Director of Grants for the City of Beverly Catherine Barrett.

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